Finding Happiness In Your Life
Have you ever pondered over the questions: "Who am I?", "What do I want in life?", and "What am I doing in life?"
Most people never take genuine time to seek answers to these questions. However, the truth is that our true meaning of life and happiness depends on the answers to these questions. Many people may say that they are aware of what they want and are working towards it, but they still feel miserable in life. They are doing whatever needs to be done but still feel that void, missing the feeling of happiness. The majority of people also confuse happiness with instant gratification or temporary feelings of joy.
Let me explain this to you: Have you ever felt that in order to be happy or feel good, you want to eat that piece of cake staring at you from your fridge, but later, you criticise yourself for eating it? This concept applies to bigger goals too. Have you ever worked to achieve a certain goal, like losing weight or saving to buy something, but the feeling you expected when you achieved that goal was not what you thought it would be?
This happens because most of the time we are not clear about what we actually want in life. One of the major reasons for that is that most of our goals are influenced by the external world. People look at someone with six-pack abs making millions of dollars and think they look happy, so they tend to lean toward similar goals. The reason people are not happy even after achieving such goals is that they are not aligned with their core values.
Every individual has a different set of core values and principles for their life. Some people value personal development, while others might value spending time with their loved ones or making a positive impact on the world. Answering this very important question will help you understand yourself better and find happiness eventually: What values are important to me?
When you are doing things that align with your core values, you live in a state of FLOW, and in that moment, you will experience true happiness. Don't worry, like every other thing in life, this too comes with practice. Next time you are doing something, notice how you feel. Do you want to get out of it quickly, or are you experiencing that state of flow? Collect these moments of flow and try to incorporate them more into your daily life.
You might have always heard that happiness is our natural state of being. However, society has conditioned us in such a way that we fail to see happiness in small things and instead run after things and goals that we believe will give us happiness. Happiness can only be found inwards. It is a process. Happiness is not a destination; it's a lifelong voyage, and the pursuit is what makes life truly meaningful